Legal notice

The company:

300, route des Crêtes Les Espaces Antipolis CS 70116 Sophia Antipolis 06560 Valbonne
511 026 148 RCS Grasse
Share capital 58.706€
VAT number: FR52511026148
Flexfuel Company is a registered trademark owned by FFED
Telephone : + 33 (0) 1 60 71 02 18
Email address:

Responsible for publication:

Sebastien Le Polles

The website is developed by: Beapi

Webmaster / SEO : Beapi
Company : Beapi
Web address :
Address: 9 rue des colonnes, 75002 Paris
Telephone : + 33 (0)1 76 41 07 91

The site is hosted in France on the company’s servers:

Host  OVH
Company: OVH
Web address:
Address: 2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59053 ROUBAIX cedex 1
Telephone : +33 (0)8 203 203 63
Email address :
communication form to follow on the “OVH” website


This site is the property of the company FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED).
No reproduction, in whole or in part, of texts or photos is authorized without the prior written consent of FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED).


FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED) cannot be held liable for errors, omissions or up-to-date data in the database. It is therefore up to the user to verify or cross-check the information collected. The advice and studies provided within the FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED) server are given only as information and cannot replace a consultation with the company FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED). The user is solely responsible for the questions he formulates, the use he makes of the results obtained, and the consequences of the use he may make of them. Under no circumstances will FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED) cover compensation for immaterial damages, direct or indirect, suffered by the user, such as loss of profit, loss of operation or loss of profit. In addition, FLEX FUEL-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (FFED) cannot be held responsible for the temporary impossibility of accessing the site.